Need a locksmith in Chicago or anywhere in the US? With scores of fake locksmith operators and dispatchers, how do your find the right locksmith for reliable and professional service? In this article, we will discuss how you can hire the right locksmith.
Finding Profession Locksmith
When you are not in any emergency situation, take your own time to find the right locksmith. Visit local locksmith businesses, and ask for references and recommendations from your friends, family and neighbors.
When you need a locksmith to install deadbolts or locks at home, you must take time to check for the best service provider. Think of a locksmith like a lawyer or a doctor. You need to be in qualified, licensed and safe hands.
In case of locksmith emergencies, you need assistance right away. Check if you can have your family or friend bring a spare set of keys. If you are stuck, ask for recommendations from your circle of friends. If you cannot find a recommended locksmith, search online.
Many locksmith dispatchers advertise as local businesses, but are not actually licensed locksmiths. Such locksmith dispatchers often give low estimates and send poorly trained locksmiths. These locksmiths then quote a much higher price for the job and insist on cash payment. These are the people you need to stay away from.
In order to hire a professional locksmith, you must verify about the locksmith, the business when you call. Here’s a quick checklist to hire licensed and professional locksmith.
Find a Local Business: Ask for the full, legal name of the locksmith business. Don’t accept generic names. You need their complete legal name for verification. Check online to verify the business and check their reviews. Many legitimate locksmiths operate without a physical storefront or operate a “mobile” business from home. You can verify their business license using your state government website.
Get the complete estimate: Describe the locksmith task in detail. Share the lock or vehicle make & model, or other details, and ask for the exact estimated cost. If the initial price quote is too low, say, $15, ask why? Confirm that the price quote covers all charges such as service call, labor charges, spare parts, etc. Ask the locksmith to bring a written copy of the estimate on their business letter head. You must have a copy of the invoice with correct price before the locksmith starts work. Don’t pay without the right invoice.
Check for insurance: You must hire locksmiths who have the right insurance to cover any damage at work. In case your property or car gets damaged during a repair, the insurance company will cover the cost.
License and registration for locksmith: Fifteen US states, including Illinois and California, have license or registration for locksmiths. No one can work as a locksmith without it. If your state requires a license or registration for locksmiths, only hire one with proper documentation. Ask for the license before hiring for the work. Also, get their identification and business card. Check if the invoice is from the same business as on the license.
Verify your identity: Legitimate locksmiths will ask for your identification before unlocking a car or house. This is a standard practice to avoid any potential fraud and break-in. Often, the locksmith requires you to sign authorization forms or other paperwork. Read all the documents properly and sign after you are satisfied.
Once the job is done to your satisfaction and you find the locksmith to be a professional service provider, keep their contact details handy for future use. You can help others too by recommending the right locksmith.